simple christmas

December 13, 2013

Pregnancy has slowed me down considerably the last week and a half and I couldn’t be more grateful; it’s given me a chance to take my time and focus on things I haven’t had time for before (namely, anything in my own house!) Putting up my Christmas decorations has been one of the things I’ve…

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nursery progress + how to get the look of “board + batten”

October 29, 2013

Last Friday I hit 31 weeks in my pregnancy and realized in somewhat of a panic, I had very little time until Baby Girl arrives.  I’ve been thinking I have all the time in the world to get her nursery in order, but now I’m really beating feet to finish up and get it all…

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impromptu bar setup

August 30, 2013

The other night I had about 20 minutes notice that a handful of friends were stopping by after work – they were bringing pizza, we were supplying a few after dinner cocktails.  It’s times like these that I wish we had a fabulous, fully-stocked bar cart that I could just wheel into the dining room,…

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my simple summer mantle

August 8, 2013

Of all the things I change up in my house on what seems like a daily basis, the one thing that doesn’t really see too much action is my mantle .  The mirror we hung above it is so enormous, it makes enough of a statement without having to add too much else, and surprisingly,…

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my bookshelves, restyled

June 14, 2013

One of the benefits of the occasional bout of insomnia is all the things I get accomplished around the house in the middle of the night/wee hours of the morning. To say I am unbearable without a good night’s sleep is the understatement of the century, but when I see all the work I get…

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spring has (finally) sprung at my house!

April 9, 2013

As usual in the South, it feels like we’ve skipped over spring and jumped right into summer!  It’s hot and humid and pollen is covering EVERYTHING, but I’m not complaining!  It’s been a crazy day of tweaking a nursery I recently finished to get it ready for professional photos tomorrow (can’t wait to show you…

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gettin’ my christmas on

December 11, 2012

This is the first time in the nine years my hubby and I have been together that we will be spending Thanksgiving and Christmas apart.  By military standards, that is quite a feat!  So, since it’s just me and my furbaby, I decided to keep the decorations simple.  The only thing I bought, besides the…

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thank you cottages + bungalows magazine!

December 5, 2012

A great big thank you to Jickie Torres of Cottages & Bungalows magazine for featuring my home in their January issue!  I hadn’t even realized it had already hit newsstands so I was thrilled to see it while skimming through it in the grocery store earlier today! What a great start to an already fabulous…

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t is for texture

October 5, 2012

I write a lot about how natural materials add a lot of warmth, but texture is a component that can also completely transform your entire space.  The beautiful images I posted the other day are a great example of this.  Handscraped hardwood floors, planked walls, nubby linen and natural or woven area rugs all add…

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my swimming pool

August 16, 2012

This week has been as crazy and hectic as it has been long.  I’m knee-deep in a very exciting project, but, since we just started this week, I am no where near ready to share details…yet.   So, instead, I thought I’d post some pictures of our in-ground pool today.  As I posted before, when we…

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