where to buy oversize clam shells

October 13, 2015

A new friend stopped over the house the other day to borrow some fan decks and no sooner had she set foot in the door did she want to know where the oversize clam shell sitting on my kitchen table came from.  It’s the same question I get asked over and over again, whenever someone…

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fall goodies + a winner!

September 25, 2015

Thank you to everyone who entered this week’s giveaway and congratulations to winner Kaylee Coles!!  RUSH II is coming your way!  And a big thank you, once again, to Brynn Weiermiller for graciously offering up one of her stunning prints of the sea!  I think this is the first time in my entire life that…

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double bypass + 80% off at rugs usa!

September 7, 2015

I have never been so exhausted in my life.  And that includes when Lydia woke up every hour and a half throughout the night, for three months straight.  My dad had double bypass surgery two weeks ago so I packed up baby girl and my furbaby to go and help him out.  It’s amazing how…

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lots to love lately at wisteria

August 13, 2015

If you haven’t been over to Wisteria in a while, you have got to head over and take a peek!  I’ve been such a fan for years and have sourced quite a few things for clients and blog posts (their oversize clam shell seems to make an appearance in every inspiration board lately – and…

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for the love of bamboo

July 15, 2015

Happy Hump Day!  We’ve made it halfway through the week and to celebrate, I thought I’d share some more home decor items that I’m loving lately.  This is more of an extension of Monday’s post in which I talked about natural and woven decor items, but this time focusing on beautiful bamboo!  Whether it’s faux,…

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flowers for mom

May 4, 2015

Mother’s Day is less than a week away!  In case you missed my gift guide last week, there’s still time to order something special for your momma, but if you’re short on time or ideas, flowers are always a great option – especially when they’re presented in a gorgeous vessel!  As much as I love…

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25 favorite decorative accessories for less than $50

February 19, 2015

I skipped out on posting a wish list this week, so I thought I’d make it up by posting a bevy of beautiful, budget-friendly home accessories for less than $50, instead! While there are a few things I am totally willing to spend a little more money on, decorative accessories are not one of them. …

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wednesday wish list: winter whites

January 7, 2015

Good morning and happy hump day! In the past I’ve posted randomly about design and decorative accessories that I’m loving lately so I decided that, in the new year, I would post a weekly wishlist of sorts of all the goodies currently on my radar.  Right now I’m crushing on winter whites – at home…

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christmas gift guide: for the guys

December 10, 2014

Christmas shopping for my husband, dad and brothers used to stress me out to no end in the past.  I’m always obsessed with finding Christmas gifts that are both meaningful and thoughtful and, let’s face it, a sweater or a bottle of cologne usually falls short of both criteria (especially when shopping for the guy…

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christmas gift guide: fab finds for less than $50

December 9, 2014

Gift giving is one of my absolute favorite things, but with the list of people to buy for seemingly increasing every year, it can be tricky trying to find great gift ideas on a budget.  While I personally think it’s way more challenging finding a gift on a small budget, I’m a firm believer that…

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