west village stunner

April 13, 2015

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  I’m sure you have all seen and are quite familiar with the West Village townhome of Haven’s Kitchen cooking school owner Ali Cayne, which was originally featured in Lonny back in their holiday issue a couple of years ago, but if you haven’t seen the tour of…

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studio mcgee

April 8, 2015

If you guys haven’t heard of Shea McGee or her design firm, Studio McGee which she runs with her hubby, you need to head over to her website and check out her portfolio quick, fast and in a hurry!  Shea exploded on the interior design scene a few years ago and I immediately fell in love with…

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get the look: new “old” home in wainscott

March 18, 2015

Nothing beats the charm of an older home; for as long as I can remember I have dreamed of buying an old fixer upper and transforming it into a quaint little cottage, complete with an ivy-covered entrance, Dutch doors, a limestone fireplace/mantle, skeleton keys and, of course, a white picket fence.  Like most families, especially…

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chic in cape cod

February 27, 2015

As much as I love pops of bright, bold color, for me nothing can compare to a soft, neutral space with muted colors and lots of texture.  It’s not only my favorite way to decorate, but it also lends itself particularly well to the aesthetic I’ve tried to create in my own home.  And if…

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fresh cottage style

February 20, 2015

With the temps well below freezing, we’ve been holded up at home while baby girl gets over this nasty head cold, but I have to say, I’m not minding this unusually cold weather one bit!  I know a lot of you are buried under mountains of snow and are totally over it, so I thought…

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blue and white by jk kling

February 5, 2015

One of the things I miss most about snowy winters is how all the white outside makes the inside feel like a bright, white box!  We got eight inches of snow last year when Lydia was six weeks old and the top layer froze completely, making the entire neighborhood look like a big skating rink. …

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January 30, 2015

If I had a dollar for every time a client or friend showed me a picture of an all-white space and said, “This is what I want!”, I could move to a little villa in Spain!  Well, maybe not exactly, but you know what I mean.  The thing about all-white spaces is that, when you…

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get the look: easy, breezy in the hamptons

January 26, 2015

I’ve been all over with this blog lately; one day I’m posting summer stripes and the next, I’m pining for a weekend getaway in Aspen.  Well, I’m about to flip it up again because over the weekend, as I was making my way through a ginormous pile of magazines to get rid of, I stumbled…

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get the look: aspen extreme

January 22, 2015

There are times when I really do miss winters in the Northeast.  And then I quickly remember how it snowed in April the last year I lived in Philadelphia and how much fun it was digging my car out of my parking space on Easter weekend and I resume my love for living in the…

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get the look: contemporary oceanfront beauty

January 12, 2015

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  It’s cold and rainy and gray today and it’s mornings like these that make me wish I was at the beach. There’s nothing cozier than curling up with a soft blanket, a cup of tea and watching the rain (or even better, snow!) fall on the sea. …

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