Happy Thanksgiving from my little turkeys to yours! I’d like to say a big THANK YOU from the very bottom of my heart to everyone who reads this little blog of mine and who follows me over on Instagram! It’s been so much fun getting to know so many of you through your comments, emails and messages over the years and you could never know how happy it makes me when I get a message from one of you who has tried one of my DIY’s or design tips or tricks (I still get a ton of messages about dunking hydrangeas in ice water to make them last for weeks!)

I’m also eternally grateful for those of you who have reached out through the blog and social media to begin a working relationship; trusting me to help design and decorate your homes, one room at a time, is an honor that I take as seriously as if it were my own and I’m so fortunate to be able to do what I love most all over the country!
As we give thanks today for all the blessings in our lives, both big and small, I hope you know I’m thankful for your continued following and support and I wish you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving! The best is yet to come, friends!
Posted in HOLIDAYS

Hello and welcome to Bungalow Blue Interiors!
I'm Kelly, interior designer, stylist, hostess with the mostest and editor of my blog, where I share pics of my work, my own home, décor projects, entertaining hacks, where to find the best decorating deals and all the beautiful things that are currently inspiring me!